農(nóng)產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)檢測儀 F-750
日期:2017-03-15 10:38:31




   光譜范圍:310-1100 nm
   光譜樣點大小: 3 nm
   光譜分辨率:8-13 nm
   PC接口:USB SD卡
   數(shù)據(jù)存儲:可拆卸32GB SD卡
   重量:1.05 kg


   量化的測量精度 (確定測量精度)
   主機、說明書、葉夾 箱子和相關(guān)配件






原始數(shù)據(jù)來源:Google Scholar

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7. Downey, G. (1996) measured NIR interactance (700–1100) spectra from six selected sites on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of each fish side on farmed salmon, resulting in 294 spectra from different sites The measurements were done through skin and scales by an unspecified fiber-optic interactance probe. Referencechemical values of fat and moisture were determined from excised flesh from the different NIR measurement sites. Fat ranges for the sites were 2.3–23.0% and moisture 57.9–74.7%. Spectral measurements on the dorsal surface gave lowest prediction errors (bias corrected) for fat 2.0% and moisture 1.45%.” Non-invasive and non-destructive percutanous analysis of farmed salmon flesh by near infrared spectroscopy. Food Chem. 55:305–311.
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9. Phul P. Subedi a , Kerry B. Walsh a , and David. W. Hopkins b (2012) Assessment of titratable acidity in fruit using short wave near infrared spectroscopy. Part B: intact fruit studies. Near Infrared Spectrosc., (20) 459-463

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